One cream colored hemp Tilley hat was lost
somewhere in Lisbon, Portugal on July 22, 2015.
That hat has travelled with me to the United States, the Caribbean, the
Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Nicaragua, and Mexico.
It has protected my fair scalp from being scalded by hot tropical
sun. It has seen five star resorts,
sailed the seas, camped in the Canadian wilderness, and watched from its perch
while I tied rebar in the Nicaraguan heat so that another classroom would be
available for some beautiful children to learn in. The stories that hat could tell. I loved that hat because it actually fit
There have been some folks through my
lifetime who may have thought I had a swelled head but the truth is that my
head is quite petite although my ego might be another story. Finding a hat to fit has always been a challenge. My head is simply too small for hats that are
sold off the shelf unless I go to the toddler section and that’s a tad
embarrassing. When I discovered Tilley
and found out that I could measure my head and order a hat that was absolutely
perfect for me, I was delighted.
Alas, my delight has kept me company for
eight years and now it is somewhere in Lisbon.
Lost and alone. My hat has the
Tilley card in the crown that identifies the owner and records the
address. I filled the card in on a lark
when I first received my hat. The whole
process seemed so Tilley and middle-age-ish that it made me giggle. Now I hold onto a thin shred of hope that
someone finds my hat, discovers the contact information, and feels compelled to
return said chapeau to its owner.
But I am setting aside the fear that my children
will mock me, and imploring the universe to conspire to return my Tilley hat to
me! I am officially challenging the
power of the Internet to see if it will aide in reuniting my hat and I. You see if likes, retweets, shares, and all
the rest work maybe whoever has possession of my hat will see and be moved to
return it. Please help my Tilley find
its way home. Maybe a friend of a friend
of yours will be the link I need. Retweet,
share, like, favorite, do whatever works for you but spread the word to
Portugal that Joy really wants her hat back!
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